was appointed part 1 was not elected

They have been holding a session since this morning, extremely tired, calm, with a smile, humor, but a person appeared in the hall, was appointed, part 1 was not elected, that is, he is 3 degrees lower, which is such a small figure that I have mentioned my name. His last name is still unknown to me because of his name and surname. It turns out that this little figure lacks certain moral patterns. Mr. Poghosyan, I am not going to shake your dirty hand and part 1 advise you to know your powers, to know who is the elected body, who is higher than whom, and you are our employee. Mr. Mayor, please reprimand your staff, because we sat quietly, after 10-11 hours of sitting, a man appeared who said, "I will put on my clothes, I will come and get dressed, he has come."

It should be noted that Jonik Margaryan in 2018 On November 14, 2006 he was appointed Deputy Head of the Kentron Administrative District of Yerevan. part 2 He was fired in December this year, shortly before Avet Poghosyan"s appointment. 2009 To date, he has been the Chairman . part 2 of the Board of Trustees of the Hans Christian Kofoed Charitable Foundation. 2011 To date, he has been a lecturer at the Yerevan Institute of Economics and Management, reorganizing community servants.

S. At the time of his arrest, Zaroyan had inflicted bodily injuries on a gas cylinder in his possession. The latter were taken part 3 to Malayan Ophthalmology Center. The suspects were arrested. S. Zaroyan. G. Manukyan and E. Petrosyan part 3 opened the door of the mentioned apartment on Vilnius Street with a customized key, entered and stole gold jewelry and cash from there, and when they tried to go out the same way, the place was neutralized.

According to a statement from the French Ministry of Culture, the minister, in consultation with the National Values ??Commission, banned the painting from being taken out of the country for 30 months. Meanwhile, the ministry plans to raise 24 million euros and buy back the work so that it hangs next to another picture of Chimabue in the Louvre. "The Incarnation of Christ" is a masterpiece of the Proto-Renaissance period. Its author, known as Chimabue ("Dzulaglukh"), is considered part 4 one of the most important painters of the region.

According to him, if we add to it 8 more countries that ratified the agreement last year, we will get 23 countries. "In other words, out of 28 EU member states, only 5 countries remain, which have not yet completed the ratification process. In the case of Italy, the agreement was ratified by the Senate. Now it"s the turn of the House of Representatives. The other four countries are Greece, Austria, Spain and Portugal, "Yeghoyan said. He clarified that the part 4 countries that have not yet ratified the agreement have been busy with their regular, in some cases even snap parliamentary elections. The MP believes that the ratification process will be completed in the near future.

The painting was supposedly created in the 1280s. Chimabue"s work was found in the home of an elderly woman in the town of Compien, 90 km north of Paris. It hung in the kitchen, above the gas stove. In October, the painting was sold at auction for 24 million euros.